The Perfect Shade of Blue

Choosing The Right Earrings For You Or Your Child

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Earrings can be a fun way to make a fashion statement or express yourself, and the choices for earrings are nearly limitless. You can find them online, in local stores or even flea markets and fairs. The quality may differ from these different sources, but if you shop carefully, you will find the right ones for you. If you don’t, you could try making your own and come up with designs that fit your style. Read More»

How To Use Your Valuable Jewelry As Collateral On A Jewelry Loan

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When you need money for an emergency situation, you may consider selling your jewelry. If your jewelry is made by a well-known jewelry manufacturer, another option may be to ask a jewelry store for a monetary loan and offer your jewelry as collateral. Many jewelry stores will enter into a loan agreement with you if they like your jewelry. Asking a jewelry store for a loan is better than pawning your jewelry, as a good jewelry store can recognize the inherent value of your jewelry when a pawn shop may not be as knowledgeable. Read More»